Parent account |
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Whereas the previous section provides a broad overview of Mechanica’s Order Manager features, capabilities and concepts, this section takes you step by step through the process of setting up and managing Parent and Child accounts. We urge you to go through the exercises as presented. For the sake of clarity we’ll be working with a single system and three (3) instruments. But keep in mind that a single account can just as easily manage a program that trades dozens of systems on hundreds of instruments.
..\Sample Rules\Signal Rules\
Let’s pause for a moment and take a look at the logic of the system we’ll be using for this tutorial, and the types of orders we can expect it to generate. (Please leave OM open.)
n ..\Sample Rules\Signal Rules\#8913_Default_OM.sig n ..\Sample Rules\Position Sizing Rules\#8913_Default_OM.siz
Resources SYSTEM = 1 ' system ID COL2 = MAX[H,89,0] + TICK[1] ' long entry COL3 = MIN[L,13,0] - TICK[1] ' long exit COL4 = MIN[L,89,0] - TICK[1] ' short entry COL5 = MAX[H,13,0] + TICK[1] ' short exit
Trade Entry BUYSTOP = COL2[1] ' long entry logic SELLSTOP = COL4[1] ' short entry logic
Trade in Progress & Exit SELLSTOP = COL3[1] ' long entry logic BUYSTOP = COL5[1] ' long entry logic
Resize ~POSITION 'declare resize Category 'If current risk is 20% greater than initial risk then 'reduce position size by 10% IF RISK > TRADEMEM[1] * 1.2 THEN MULTIPLIER = .9
As you can see, this is a classic channel-breakout system that enters and exits on a stop. It is 3-phase, so it can be long, short, or flat. The only twist occurs on the Resize page, where we’ve instructed Mechanica to reduce the number of contracts by 10% when the position’s current risk is 20% greater than the position’s initial risk. Initial risk was saved in TRADEMEM[1] on entry day while processing initial size rules. With this system, for every day that an instrument is flat we can expect the following orders to be generated:
If, for example, a prospective long entry (LE) stop is hit, then its corresponding exit (sell) stop order will be activated, which in this case is LX. When this system holds a long or short position, then it will only generate the corresponding exit order. Order Manager will prompt you with the correct order type to enter. Without looking under the Position tab, it is easy to deduce from the example screen below (from a different program than we use in this tutorial), that for System 1, AD is currently long (since only an LX order is present), BAX and DJ are currently flat, and for System 10, CU is currently long, but is to be exited today (LX) with a Market on Open (MOO) order. As mentioned previously, the SIG and SIZ files for which you wish to generate orders are always run by Order Manager from a batch file, so let’s take a minute to look at the batch file we’re using in this tutorial.
n ..\Sample Rules\Signal Rules\#8913_Default_OM_Batch.sig Resources ' This is the batch file that controls order ' generation for #8913_Default_OM. ' specify and process the desired data page dpage=Pinnacle_Futures ' ' Do the processing; ' process signal rules ..\Sample Rules\Signal Rules\#8913_Default_OM.sig ' process sizing rules NEXTSTEP ..\Sample Rules\Position Sizing Rules\#8913_Default_OM.siz
If you are running multiple systems (multiple SIG files) from a single batch file, you may wish to use different Data Pages for subsequent systems. If so, simply use the dpage command to specify the next Data Page to be selected, and place the dpage command immediately following the execution of the previous system’s SIG file. Even if Data Page(s) other than the one(s) specified in a batch file is/are tagged at the time a batch files is run, Mechanica will ignore them and run the batch file exactly as written. If no Data Page(s) are specified in the batch file then only the one(s) tagged will be processed. Note this is not a good idea because during historical testing you may switch tags and end up later running a batch file using the wrong data! So be sure to specify in your batch file which Data Page it is supposed to use.
Note in the screen under the Default Positions tab, that the system is currently short CD. Its corresponding exit (SX) appears in the screen under the Default Orders tab. We can also see under the Default Orders tab that the system is currently flat AD and JY, and their prospective long and short entries, and respective contingent exits, are shown. The position sizes in the Parent Account are quite large (high resolution), so that the smaller Child Account (which we’ll set up next), can be “ratioed” or “scaled” to them. |