Grid Introduction

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Operational overview

The Grid display in the Results Window aids in system development by allowing you to quickly visualize a market position in the context of its associated data and view indicator values and custom formulas to quickly verify that your system is entering and exiting trades as intended.


nThe Signal Results tab displays the symbol (instrument) whose data is displayed in the Grid. In this case, the symbol is SP_A_REV (which is Pinnacle Datas nomenclature for the “reversed,” or back-adjusted S&P 500 stock index future).
nThe leftmost column of the Grid displays the date; each row represents one trading day.
nWe can see from the Grid that the system was flat on April 12, 1983 (the first date shown). The second column from the left, “Long,” shows the price at which the system entered a long trade (the next day), on April 13, 1983. Since the system is now long, the “Short” column is empty. The fourth column shows the exit price specified in your code.
nColumns 1 - N in the Grid display values that are assigned to the column definitions in your system.

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The Grid is populated with fresh data every time the Signal Rules are run.

nIn the image above, immediately under each of the column numbers, appears a grid-column alias. (The alias for Col 3 is “10_day_ATR” ...circled, top-right).
nAliases are descriptive labels you create, that are associated with a grid-column. They can help you organize your thoughts, make trade tracing and troubleshooting easier, and make your code clearer and easier to read.
nTo create an alias, simply select a column number from the drop-down list box, and enter the desired alias in the edit text box (circled top, left of center). Then press OK, and the alias will appear under the Col N heading. (No need to do this now. Well go through it step-by-step again in a moment.)
nGrid-column aliases are automatically declared as variables upon creation, and can (then) be used in your system code.


For the system whose data is shown in the Grid image above, the raw Column 1 definition (assignment) on the Resources page looks like this:

COL1 = MAX[H,50,0]


Then, on the Trade Entry page (in this example), you can either reference Column 1 directly:



...or you can reference Col 1s grid-column alias:



The two statements are functionally and logically equivalent.