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Keyword Description Store and reference values in grid Columns based upon the value currently held in the associated X, Y, or Z integer value. Class Expression Where Legal
Syntax COLX, COLX[n] or COLY, COLY[n] or COLZ, COLZ[n] Where X is an integer value currently held in variable X to designate the COL of interest and n is an integer representing number of days ago. Example Sample code
GBL[Z] = COLZ * STD[COLY,W,0] * STD[COLX,W,0] 'when Z=1 and Y=2 and X=3 and W=30 this code places the current contents of COL1 times the 30 day standard deviation of COL2 times the 30 day standard deviation of COL3 into GBL[1]
See also: MVO example code \Sample Rules\view_Covariance_Matrix_GBL.sig