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Keyword Description Store and reference values in grid Columns Class Expression Where Legal
Syntax COLx, COLx[n] Where x is an integer 1 to 999 representing column number and n is an integer representing number of days ago. Example Sample code COL1 = STOC[21,5] ' Entered on the Resources page this would ' assign to Grid column 1, the 5-day exponential moving average ' of a 21-day stochastic indicator.
IF COL1[1] > 80 AND COL1[2] < 80 THEN BUYOPEN ' Here we reference the value stored earlier in column 1. ' Entered on the Entry Logic page this would put you in a long ' trade if the above-mentioned Stochastic value was below 80, 2 ' days ago and then crossed above 80 yesterday.
IF COL1[3] < COL1[2] AND COL1[1] < COL1[2] THEN_ COL8 = 1 ELSE IF COL8[1] > 0 THEN_ COL8 = COL8 + 1 ' This routine looks for a high pivot in the stochastic line ' whose values reside in column 1. ' When it spots a pivot it resets the counter it keeps in column 8. ' On non-pivot days it checks to see if the counter has already ' started and if so increments it by one. ' Any COL8 value greater than 0 represents the number of days that ' have elapsed since the pivot.