Capabilities and updates for v3.2011



Windows 7 and Vista compatibility

Mechanica now offers full support for Windows 7, Vista and XP. Mechanica has been successfully installed on the Mac OS using Parallels 6 and Boot Camp VMs.

Differences with previous versions of Mechanica (new file locations)

With previous versions of Mechanica all executable and support files were located by default in:

C:\Program Files\Mechanica


As of v3.2011

Executable files will be located in:

XP - upgrade

C:\Program Files\Mechanica

new install (All)

C:\Program Files\Mechanica 2011


Support files will be located in:

W7 - new install

C:\Users\<User>\My Documents\Mechanica 2011

XP - new install

C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\My Documents\Mechanica 2011

XP - upgrade

C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\My Documents\Mechanica


Pinnacle data files

W7 - new install

C:\Users\<User>\My Documents\Data\Clcdata

XP - upgrade and new XP install

C:\Documents and Settings\<User>\My Documents\Data\Clcdata



Further information on file placement, upgrades and new installs notes/Mechanica 3_2011 release notes.pdf


Check your executables folder for a small application named MechanicaPaths.exe. Run it to see the exact path where the support files for that installation are located .


GBL file format change

The GBL file format has changed. You will need to recreate your GBL files in order for them to work with v3.2011.  Also note that .GBL files and their .001 indexes are now placed in sub folder Mechanica\GBL

RT file format change

The RT file format, previously RT2, is no longer supported.  The new format uses file extension RT3.  You will need to recompile any older RT? format files in order for them to work with v3.2011.


If you include the word "view" in the name of your SIG file and then run from batch.sig the grid will populate. In normal batch operations the grid does not populate in order to save processing time. Adding 'view' to your SIG file name simplifies debug operations during system development by allowing access to the grid during batch runs.