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Keyword Description The value you assign to this variable conveys to Mechanica your preference for how much goodness (utility) you attach to holding more rather than fewer positions in a portfolio. Assigning a value of zero causes the MVO routine to find the specific securities and their weights in the portfolio which in combination yields the highest Sharpe ratio for the portfolio. Very often this routine will select a small number of securities (2 or 3) to hold in the optimum Sharpe ratio portfolio. Users may wish to force more diversification than that small number of securities affords. So to gain an added perceived benefit they would assign a value higher than zero. The higher the value assigned, the more value the optimization routine places on having additional positions beyond what produces the absolute best Sharpe ratio. Class Expression Where Legal
Example Sample code UTILITY = 10 'tell the optimizer that we want to hold more positions than afforded by best Sharpe ratio
See also: MINPOSITIONS, NOWEIGHT, TOTALRISKTARGET, Markowitz style portfolio optimization ..\Sample Rules\Position Sizing Rules\ReAllocate.siz |