Grid display, Signal Results
n | The Signal Results Grid (in the Results Window) is the tool to use when inspecting the details of your trade logic, or debugging a complex system. |
n | The Grid is designed so that each data item defined as a column (COL) in your Signal Rules (SIG) code is clearly displayed and associated with a date, and the market position for that date. |
n | In order for non-zero values to appear in the grid, they must be either (a) defined within your SIG file as a column, or (b) the grid column must be assigned an alias, and that alias must be subsequently assigned a value within your SIG code. |
n | The Grid is populated with fresh data every time the Signal Rules are run (but only data for the last symbol processed, is displayed). |
n | When running Signal Rules on multiple symbols (price files), Mechanica processes them in alphabetical order. |
Grid-column aliases
n | Grid-column aliases allow you to apply a descriptive label to Grid columns. |
n | Aliases are automatically declared as variables upon creation, and can (then) be assigned a value, or directly referenced in your system code. |
n | Using aliases can speed system design, facilitate troubleshooting, and make your code clearer and easier to understand. |
n | Aliases are associated (saved) with the SIG file that was open during their creation. |
n | Aliases must be in the form of a continuous alpha-numeric string, and may not contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > | |
n | Neither user-named variables nor Mechanica keywords may be used as grid-column aliases. |
Exporting data from the Grid
n | There are two ways to extract data from the Grid: You can either (a) export selected columns to a file, or you can (b) copy data from the Grid, and paste into another application. |
n | If you only select partial columns for copy, the output will contain neither the Column number(s), nor the date and trade data to the left of Col1. |
n | The Grid's Export facility is designed to accommodate the export of mixed sets of adjacent and non-adjacent columns of data. |
User-named variables
n | User-named variables provide storage for numerical values. |
n | They are legal on any page, and are accessible from any page. |
n | User-named variables must be declared (for example, VAR = MY_FAVE_VAR), before you can use them. |
n | User-named variables cannot currently be used as arguments in functions. |
n | Since running SIG and SIZ files are completely separate processes, you cannot declare a variable in a SIG file and expect to access its value later on from a SIZ file. If you need to pass values from a SIG file to a SIZ file, use SIZING[n] or USERDEFINEDRISK, as appropriate. |
Persistence in variables
n | Like Mechanica’s MEMORY, user-named variables retain their value when the current page is exited. Once set to a value, that value will "persist" across pages, and will not change until the variable is written to again (assigned), or until a new symbol (instrument) is loaded. |
n | TEMPMEM loses its value as soon as the current page is exited. |