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Grid display, Signal Results

nThe Signal Results Grid (in the Results Window) is the tool to use when inspecting the details of your trade logic, or debugging a complex system.
nThe Grid is designed so that each data item defined as a column (COL) in your Signal Rules (SIG) code is clearly displayed and associated with a date, and the market position for that date.
nIn order for non-zero values to appear in the grid, they must be either (a) defined within your SIG file as a column, or (b) the grid column must be assigned an alias, and that alias must be subsequently assigned a value within your SIG code.
nThe Grid is populated with fresh data every time the Signal Rules are run (but only data for the last symbol processed, is displayed).
nWhen running Signal Rules on multiple symbols (price files), Mechanica processes them in alphabetical order.


Grid-column aliases

nGrid-column aliases allow you to apply a descriptive label to Grid columns.
nAliases are automatically declared as variables upon creation, and can (then) be assigned a value, or directly referenced in your system code.
nUsing aliases can speed system design, facilitate troubleshooting, and make your code clearer and easier to understand.
nAliases are associated (saved) with the SIG file that was open during their creation.
nAliases must be in the form of a continuous alpha-numeric string, and may not contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |
nNeither user-named variables nor Mechanica keywords may be used as grid-column aliases.


Exporting data from the Grid

nThere are two ways to extract data from the Grid: You can either (a) export selected columns to a file, or you can (b) copy data from the Grid, and paste into another application.
nIf you only select partial columns for copy, the output will contain neither the Column number(s), nor the date and trade data to the left of Col1.
nThe Grid's Export facility is designed to accommodate the export of mixed sets of adjacent and non-adjacent columns of data.


User-named variables

nUser-named variables provide storage for numerical values.
nThey are legal on any page, and are accessible from any page.
nUser-named variables must be declared (for example, VAR = MY_FAVE_VAR), before you can use them.
nUser-named variables cannot currently be used as arguments in functions.
nSince running SIG and SIZ files are completely separate processes, you cannot declare a variable in a SIG file and expect to access its value later on from a SIZ file. If you need to pass values from a SIG file to a SIZ file, use SIZING[n] or USERDEFINEDRISK, as appropriate.


Persistence in variables

nLike Mechanicas MEMORY, user-named variables retain their value when the current page is exited. Once set to a value, that value will "persist" across pages, and will not change until the variable is written to again (assigned), or until a new symbol (instrument) is loaded.
nTEMPMEM loses its value as soon as the current page is exited.